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    Benefits of SHRM Membership

    • Personalized Content
    • Legislative Resources & Updates
    • Member Community
    • Free Webcasts
    • Discounts on SHRM Events and Educational Offerings
    • Thousands of HR-Related Resources and More!​

    Benefits of Chapter Membership

    • Network with local HR professionals
    • Gain insights on HR best practices
    • Discover local career advancement opportunities
    • Earn PDCs for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP recertification

    NOTE: Chapter membership expires at the same time as your current SHRM membership, regardless of enrollment date. Any applicable Chapter dues will be prorated based on the number of months remaining on your current SHRM membership.

    *This chapter is a 100% membership chapter, which means you must also be a member of the national SHRM organization (

    Society for Human Resource Management -SHRM -- The largest human resources organization in the world. Winona Area SHRM Chapter, an affiliate of SHRM.

    Welcome to the Winona Area SHRM website and the Membership webpage. Thank you for your interest in becoming affiliated with our Winona Area local SHRM chapter, a professional organization for human resource professionals and business leaders.

    Membership Eligiblity

    Effective in January 2015, the Winona Area SHRM chapter is a 100% National Membership Chapter. Individuals and Human Resource professionals who are interested in becoming an affiliated member of our local chapter should obtain a National SHRM membership, and may then submit their National ID to the Winona chapter’s membership director.

    A National SHRM Membership may be obtained online via, and then visit the "Membership" tab /webpage. Please identify Winona Area SHRM as your local chapter affiliation.

    Membership Benefits

    Enhance your professional development,work skills and network with area human resource professionals. The Winona Area SHRM chapter offers a variety of opportunities for professional development, industry resources, legislative and employment law updates, and professional networking.

    Make the Most of Your Membership - We encourage our members to take an active role in our chapter. Attending regular meetings or joining a taskforce or committee is optional, however, the more engaged our members are, the more they see returns on their membership.

    • Professional Development - Great Resources: Our chapter offers regular events with industry speakers.  Please see our Events page and Program Planning listing. These chapter meetings are generally held over the lunch hour to accommodate busy working schedules.

    • Professional Development - Leadership & Development Conference: Each spring (March or April) our chapter hosts the local Winona-area Leadership & Development Conference. SHRM members can take advance of the discounted registration rate for SHRM members.

    • Professional Networking: Our chapter hosts ten or more different events throughout the year, between the regular chapter meetings (guest speakers), the Holiday Social, a Summer Social/Professional Development Networking, or at the Leadership & Development Conference. Members enjoy the ability to network and develop relationships with peers and colleagues.

    • Membership Directory: Exclusive to members, local members have access to the Winona listing for chapter members, for assisting with networking and seeking answers to HR concerns or questions. - A great way to exchange ideas and discuss similar workplace issues with other HR professionals.

    • Communications: The Winona Area SHRM chapter publishes an electronic monthly newsletter to our members to stay abreast of happenings, local chapter events, and legislation updates; locally, statewide and nationally.

    • Certifications: Our chapter aids its members in achieving professional certifcations. Members may network or form a Certification Taskforce or Commitee to form local study groups for the preparation of certification exams.

    • In Your Workplace: The benefits gained bring value to your place of work because of your membership resources, industry speakers, SHRM Conferences, and the knowledge gained through presenations or member networking.

    • Community Involvement: The Winona Area SHRM chapter is a member of the Winona Area Chamber of Commerce. Our chapter may offer different opportunities or share local happenings for members to become more engaged in our community. SHRM members are able to network with peers in our community and learn more about other area companies and their products and services.

    To learn more information, please visit, and then contact one of our local chapter's board members or the Membership Director.

    Contact Information

    Email: Tabitha Newton, Membership Director

    Postal Mail: Send your letter of correspondence to:

    Winona Area SHRM Chapter
    P.O. Box 71
    Winona, MN 55987