Save the Date for the WInona SHRM Conference
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Communication is Key
Speakers: Hunter Lott and Bruce Christopher
Check out the Events page for more information and to register.
2010 Benefits Survey Now Available
Find out how your company benefits compare to other employers in the Winona and La Crosse area and gain an effective new tool for your retention efforts.
Click here for the form to order your copy today!
Print the form and process your payment now and completed surveys will be emailed out within the week.
The cost for the survey results will be:
$50 All participants
$75 LASHRM/Winona SHRM/SHRM members who did not participate
$100 Non-members who did not participate
Please note this survey is separate from the compensation survey.
Upcoming Meetings
April 12th Meeting - Jim Carr, Right Connections - How to find the RIGHT candidate
May 10th Meeting - TBD
*Check out the Events page for more information*