Member Resources
- Chapter Bylaws
- Board Minutes
- Student Scholarship
- February 2013 Meeting PowerPoint - Nancy Vollertson - Hot Topics in Employment Law
- 2011 Standard MN Safe ROI presentation
- Needs Assessment Results
- 2009 Building WOW Recognition Culture
- Recognition Cheat Sheet
- Getting to know you Survey
- April 2010 Meeting Off the Clock Work Presentation
Membership Directory
The membership directory is password protected. Members will have to login by entering their Username and password when promted.
Membership Profile
You can view your current membership profile and/or update your information (address, phone number, email address etc.) by clicking here. You will need to login by entering your username and password. Once you have logged in, please click on the Profile Icon (located in the upper-right hand corner) to display your current details. If you wish to make changes, please click on the "Edit Member Info" button.
SHRM Leader's Webcast
Have you attended or viewed any of our web casts? If you haven’t, you are missing a great opportunity to learn and gain tools to assist you in your leadership role. Did you know all web casts are archived and available to you in real time technology?
Our leader web casts are an extension of SHRM’s Leadership Conference held each year at our headquarters in Alexandria, VA. We want to make sure that we provide education and tools to leaders throughout the year and the web cast is one way for us to meet this objective. So if you haven’t had the opportunity to participate in a web cast it isn’t too late!
If you missed any of the web casts this year they are archived but we still have lots of great web casts and speakers for the remaining months of the year. All web casts begin at 4:00 pm (EST) on the third and fourth Thursdays of each month (*).
Chapter presidents, State Council Directors, and State CLA Directors (when appropriate) will be sent invitations announcing each web cast with more specific information on each topic. Invitations will also include the web cast sign-on information. We strongly encourage SC Directors and Chapter Presidents to invite any leader they feel will benefit by attending any web cast. Remember, all web casts are free and all leaders are invited, but everyone must pre-register to attend. REMEMBER; forward the invitation to your chapter and state council leaders that may be interested in attending.
Webcasts can be found at by clicking here.
If you have any questions regarding the web casts please contact me or our regional coordinator, Kristine Hofmann.